We as SOLDROCK MOVE TRADE AND PROJECTS, we are a close corporation CC. We are dealing with talents mainly with music, poetry, fashion design and fine art. Reason being that we believe in what God has given us in order to live and having the belief that no body can take your talent from you as a person so why wait on something not yours or not enjoying while you should be doing something you love the most your talent.

We were known as VCL PRODUCTION dealing with clothing and fashion specifically. Our style was faddish and fashionable it’s have things like printed t-shirt, jeans, trousers, shorts and golf t-shirt. These things were done while the business was unregistered which influence the business to associate itself with musicians, dancers and poet as customers than registering. After registering we saw how other people struggle to achieve their dreams so the easy way was to invite other people who do other talents beside of fashion. Than we added talents such as poetry, music, fine art and dancers. Then changed the name to SOLDROCK MOVE TRADE AND PROJECTS meaning that we are the rock of which every rock have its own minerals and our mineral is talents we have in the business; which need to be sold in order to survive in this world.

They say religion answers the purpose to life, but highlighting those purposes using the bible and what we have to do as human in world. Matthew 25:14-30 (King James Version) talks about talents, how to take care of them which we ought to do as we are living here and rock of ages a soul lost in the sea of life(sin) with no other hope left except to cling to the Rock of Ages (the Cross of Christ) as the only comfort in a life that has been swallowed up. This is the meaning that as SOLDROCK MOVE T&P our foundation as the business is build on the on christ(ROCK OF AGES) and our aim is aline with him living through our talents not on our demand.

Our mission as SOLDROCK MOVE T&P is to promote people to start living their own live's not wanting them chosing what is other people's talents becouse of mone or jelousey but start doing what they love and enjoy doing and not following money but their dreams/talents. How, by organising concerts, fashion shows, galla shows and enganging in other shows. But beyond that having a Mission of becoming the one of the best company's in South Africa in doing what we do. Most of all international explosure which will make the business to relate with other country's in terms of our specialty. In so doing we minimise unemployment within the country, developing enterpineers and other related issues. All this can happen since we can do all things through him(rock of ages) who strengthens us. And everything is possible through financial help recommanded in accormplishing this mission, it can either by purcharsing shares, investing and having loans.

All positive cardidate having zeal to become part and parcel of this project need to be traded so that all of us could be happy and carrier loving or wanting to see us doing what we do the best just please contacts us on more info, details on contact us block or home page.






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